Monday, December 13, 2004

From IMCT - December 13, 2004

Just for giggles, go to the CNN home page and see if the story about the investigation into the Ohio vote is on the front page (OK, I'll save you the time, it's not. The breaking news featured Monday afternoon was the all-important death penalty handed down for Scott Peterson. At least they have their priorities straight.) If you want to find the story about the suit that was filed today pointing out several voting problems, you'll have to go to the CNN Politics page -- it's the fourth headline down, an AP story, of course, because CNN has better things to cover.

As much as I'd like to see this story explode and as many explosive things as I think there are to be discovered, it won't explode because the election is over and the media is too worried about rocking the patriotic boat. But which is more dangerous -- questioning the legitimacy of an incumbent President or possibly allowing a pattern of stealing elections to gain traction?

Maybe the Democrats just need to learn how to steal elections better.

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