Tuesday, December 28, 2004

From IMCT - December 28, 2004

You can file this one away in your conspiracy theory evidence locker: during a Christmas Eve visit with the troops, Defense Secretary Donald Rusmfield referred to the plane in Pennsylvania that was "shot down" on Sept. 11. It could be that Rummy misspoke, but it could be that by "misspoke" we mean let the cat out of the proverbial bag.

I believe that Flight 93 likely was shot down. The story of passengers rushing the cabin and the plane crashing as a result sounds good, and does little harm. But several witnesses saw an unmarked aircraft in the area before and after the crash. And Flight 93 was known to be hijacked for almost an hour before it crashed, leaving one to wonder why the government would allow it to follow the path of the planes that hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

With it heading back toward Washington, what are the odds that the government made a tough decision? It's hard to blame them if they did indeed make that call. Under the circumstances, it was a doomed flight regardless; it would be preferable that it crash into a field rather than into a populated area.

Oh, and we never landed on the moon, either.

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