Wednesday, December 8, 2004

From IMCT - December 8, 2004

Although the current CNN version of the story changed, an earlier version said Donald Rumsfield paused and asked a soldier o repeat the question when he asked why their Humvees weren't properly equipped with armor.
Rumsfield is not used to being questioned (kudos to a member of the 278th RCT, which is made up of those from my home state).

His answer to the question was, "As you know, you have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want " That's a sorry-ass excuse for costing our soldiers' lives.

The fact is, the insurgents' primary attack is taking advantage of the under-armored Humvees, which have cost the life of many a soldier in situations where they weren't even immediately involved in combat. This deficiency in the armor is giving the enemy a weakness to attack without actually engaging our forces; I'm not much of a military strategist, but it seems like you should try to get rid of those weaknesses your enemy can exploit.

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