Jon Stewart took the GOP to task Wednesday night for something I've recently found intriguing, namely, the fear-mongering about a second Obama presidential term.
We're talking about a second term here, remember.
Prior to the 2008 election I saw it all over my Facebook, how we would descend into chaos under an Obama presidency. He would mark the end of 'merica as we knew it, eat our newborns, etc.
Stewart pointed out the ridiculousness of Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and other stalwarts of the party using quotes like, "as soon as he's re-elected..." So why haven't the predictions from pre-November 2008 come true? Well, I'm sure according to many, they have. Some are mighty sore about the health care bill, which they hate primarily because Obama was for it, and they see it as their worst fears realized. Overall, they look around and see something different than the majority of the public sees, namely, that nothing has changed that dramatically.
Except we seem to be recovering from the recession the last president led us into. Oh, and Osama bin Laden is dead.*
* Stewart added the interesting note that Obama's administration has deported more illegal immigrants than Dubya did, suggesting that he wants to allow them to rest up in their home countries to prepare for an invasion during his second term.
The fear-mongering about a second Obama term is going to play well to the GOP base. But the idea that as soon as he's sworn in for a second term he's going to unleash his true Islamo-socialist agenda? Sure, he'll probably become more aggressive with some policies, as most second-term presidents/governors do. But the fact of the matter is, if the economy is at least continuing its current trajectory in November, the Republicans -- and their narrative -- don't have a chance; it will go from a question of "can we win the presidency?" to "can we hold Congress?"
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