As Talking Points Memo points out, the source of Mitt Romney's donations for his presidential campaign should be a source of concern for him and anyone who wants him to be elected President.
TPM has graphed the amount of money that comes from small donors, those under $200, and the numbers are staggering; nearly 90 percent of his donations come from those donating above this number ($56.4 million of a total $62.4 million). Obama is getting around 40 percent of his money ($42.6 million of a total $106.3 million) from these smaller donors, who are much more likely to turn into voters (and volunteers, etc.); it just shows a more broad base of support. Interestingly, both Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich have raised substantially more from these smaller donors than Romney has (Paul has almost doubled him).
The Republicans have themselves a candidate who is buying the nomination, but will he be able to buy the general election?
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