Tuesday, December 28, 2004

From IMCT - December 28, 2004

How is it that a sitting President just re-elected with 51 percent of the vote manages a 49 percent approval rating? There are a few possibilities.

First off, the vote could have been fudged -- that would make many of us feel a lot better.

Or maybe the people being polled are different than the ones who actually voted in the election. Those 51 percent who voted for Bush may well have crawled (slithered) back under their rocks by now.

It's also a possibility that people just disliked the challenger (John Kerry in this case; remember him?) so much. While several people have expressed a lack of enthusiasm with Kerry, was it so bad that they would vote for someone they knew was doing a bad job?

As an outcropping of the above possibility, it could be that values voting really did matter that much. There's been a lot of talk from the left about how overrated the values vote is, but I can speak from experience in my red state and say that there is a large connect between values and voting, and it causes a disconnect with reality. Some people will vote based on fuzzy issues while ignoring the clear issues like problems in Iraq, problems with the economy, etc.

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