Our representation is becoming less representative each day.
According to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, now only those bills which are supported by a "majority of the majority" will come up for vote.
The intelligence reform bill would likely have passed by now had it come up for vote in the House, with most Democrats being joined many Republicans to create a majority. But since less than 50 percent of around 60 percent of the House is for it, it won't come up for a vote.
And don't think Democrats would do the same thing; in 2003, NAFTA was allowed to come up for a vote despite the opposition of the majority of Democrats, who then ruled the House (ahh, the good ol' days). The Republicans largely supported it, as did some Democrats, including President Clinton. It passed, despite being opposed by a "majority of the majority."
This is not new practice with Hastert; Democrats have been shut out of helping craft legislation like the 2003 Medicare revision, as well.
Talk about giving comfort to the enemy. This is just one more way the GOP is hijacking our government.
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