It's only the second full day of Christmas break, and already I'm restless. Yesterday I read an entire book (Dean Koontz's "Odd Hours") so I don't really want to start another one yet. I've got Stephen King's "Lisey's Story" sitting in front of me now, so maybe I'll start it.
You can tell how bored I am by the fact that I'm updating my blog for the first time in more than four months. All of my fans will be very excited.
I need to come up with some angle for this that will make me famous. I think I could talk politics fairly well, but we've got too many doing that already. I guess I need to get famous some other way so people actually care what I say about stuff. Or I could update this regularly, then when I commit some horrible crime (or am the victim of some horrible crime) the media can report on what they found on my blog. If something happens to me in the near future, they'll be very disappointed.