I just got through reading The Da Vinci Code. I felt like one of the few who hadn't, but I refused to buy the hardcover and it wasn't available at the library most of the time. I admit that DVC is nothing like Faulkner or H.G. Wells (the last two authors I read) and it won't go down in history as great literature, because the dialogue is often clumsy and Dan Brown likes to beat his readers over the head with his explanation of scientific/historical elements.
That said, it was a good book. A lot of folks probably would think it to be sacreligious or heretical, but most of them haven't read it. Of course, they'd probably still think that after reading it. But it provokes thought, and if you're sure in your faith, then either you dismiss it or allow it to broaden your horizons while keeping your eyes on the prize. While it's based heavily on fact, it's a work of fiction at its core. But it will make you think, and that's something people need to do more of.
I expect it to be a pretty good movie, too. I like Tom Hanks, and I think the story, while somewhat cumbersome with all its religion and art and science, will translate to the screen quite well.
Yep, that's a blog all right. Yammering about stuff no one but me should care about. Now I know why I don't do these things.
(First appeared on MySpace)